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St. Mary's Saffron Walden Choir - Login Page Help
Enter the following address into your browser: and press the Enter key. Please save a shortcut or favourite to this address, so you always have it handy and don't forget it. You should then see this page:

Enter your username into the Username box.

Your username is usually of the form firstname.lastname, i.e. if your name is John Smith, your username will usually be john.smith.

If you have forgotten your username, please click this link:

Having entered your username, now enter your password in the Password box. Your password will be shown as a string of dots, for security reasons. If you want to check that you have entered the correct characters, click the Show Password checkbox, but please don't leave it like that for security reasons.

If you have forgotten your password, or need a new one, click this link:

With both username and password entered, now click the Login button

You should now see the Welcome page

To see the ticklist, click this button. Or click any of the other buttons shown on this page, which acts as a master index for all the functions available in the ticklist system:

You should then see the ticklist and be able to enter your ticks.
If you have forgotten, or need a new password
Go to the login page at when the login page should appear.

On the login page, click the link where it says "Forgotten your password, or need a new one? Click here." You should then see the Forgot Password page.

On the Forgot Password page, enter your username, and click the Set a New Password button. You should then see the login page again, with the message "A new password link has been sent to your registered e-mail address. Please check your e-mail, and if necessary your spam folder. You must use the link within 120 minutes when the link will expire.".

Check your e-mail every few minutes until the promised e-mail arrives. If necessary, also check your spam folder.

Click the long link in the email, which will take you to the Edit Member page.

On the Edit Member page, enter the new password that you want to use, twice. The password must obey the rules which you can see when you click the Password Rules button.

Having entered your new password, click the Save Changes button. You should then see the login page again, with the message "Your new password has been successfully saved. Please log in using it now.".

Now your password has been successfully changed, so you should be able to log in as normal, using your username and your new password.
Thank you