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St. Mary's Choir - Data Protection Policy


The Choir ticklist system stores some personal data about choir members as detailed below. This information is stored solely to assist with the administration and operation of the choir. None of this information will ever be shared with a third party (not even another department of the church), or published or made available in any way except as explained below.

The ticklist has been designed to offer a professional level of security for data stored within it. This security probably not as high a level as your bank may use, but similar to that used by online shopping sites etc.

Any internet user can access the Login page, or the Login Help page, or this Data Protection page, but these contain no personal information. No other page of the website can be accessed until the user has logged in with a username and a password. The only way to obtain a username is to ask Oli or Bron for one, and they will only grant one to a bona fide member of the choir. Therefore you can be sure that no-one other than choir members can access any of your information on the site. Each user can choose his/her own password, and s/he must change this every 6 months. Passwords must obey certain rules to make them more difficult to crack - these rules are shown on the Edit Member page. Passwords are always transmitted over the internet using a secure protocol, so no-one can gain access to your password by any snooping technique.

The site stores a cookie on your computer. This is a small file which contains no useable information - it is just a key to enable the system to recognise that you are continuing a valid existing session, and are properly logged in etc. This is a typical value of the cookie: lnjnee3eql0aledupjleh46f87. The site cannot work unless you accept this cookie.

The site holds the following personal information:

Information TypeAccessPurpose
Your username SUE So that the system can identify you when you log in
Your password (which is held in an encrypted form) SUE So that the system can verify that it is you when you log in
When you last changed your password NGE So that the system can detect when your password has expired, and ask you to renew it
The status of your password (i.e. whether it is new, current or expired) NGE So that the system knows what to do when you attempt to log in (e.g. ask you to confirm your password, allow you to log in, or state that your password has expired and ask you to renew it)
Which future events during the next 3 months you have indicated that you will sing at AUE To provide information to Oli about how many members in each part will be available to sing at each upcoming event, to allow good planning of the music
Which past events you indicated that you would sing at; we don't know whether you actually sang at these events NME To allow Oli to analyse how many singers have been available in the past, and thereby predict how many are likely to be available for future events
Your name. If you need to change this, you must ask a manager. This is to ensure that people cannot impersonate others. If you are a Choral Scholar, your name will only be visible to you youself, to your parent/guardian(s), to Managers(currently Bron and Oli) and to Developers (currently Rowan and Lewis). No-one else can see or discover your full name. AME So that the system can address you properly and that your correct name can be shown on the ticklist
If you are a Choral Scholar, your initials. Choral Scholars are identified in the ticklist purely by their initials. If you need to change them, you must ask a manager. This is to ensure that your initials are not the same as any other Choral Scholar, and that people cannot impersonate others. SME So that your initials can be shown on the ticklist and can identify you unambiguously.
Which voice part you sing AME So that the system can show how many in each part will be available to sing
Which section of the choir you are in (adult, choral scholar or junior) AME So that the system can show a tickbox only for events at which your section is singing
Your email address SUE So that the system can communicate with you, e.g. as part of the new password process
Your choir/pigeon hole number SME As a master record of choir numbers
Your birthday SME So the system can calculate your age, and(for example) automatically move you from choral scholars to senior choir
Whether you are a student AUE So that the system can make assumptions about your availability during term-time and during vacation
Your postal address SUO In case your e-mail address stops working but the choir management needs to contact you
Your home phone number SUO In case your e-mail address stops working but the choir management needs to contact you
Your mobile phone number SUO In case your e-mail address stops working but the choir management needs to contact you

The letters in the Access column above mean the following:

NYou can't see this information without asking a manager
SOnly you yourself or privileged people (e.g. managers or your parent/guardian) can see this information
AAll members can see this
UYou can change this information
MOnly a manager can change this
GAutomatically generated by the system
EEssential; the system will not work without this
OOptional; it is helpful if you can provide this, but you can leave it blank if you wish

All items of information can be seen and changed by a manager or a developer.

Most of this information you can see and check yourself using the features of the site. If you want to know about information that you cannot see, please ask Oli or Bron to supply it. If you want to change or delete information that the site does not allow you to, again, please ask Oli or Bron and they will get this done for you.

All information in the system is normally kept for 7 years. Even information about members who have left the choir is kept. This is so that a member who has left but subsequently decides to return can be re-enabled, and all his/her data will reappear. It is also so that we can review data on past events including the names and parts of members who may have left. Data about who ticked for which event is deleted 7 years after the event. Data about members who have left the choir is deleted 7 years after they left.

Logging into the system is taken as your acceptance of this policy. If you do not accept the policy, please do not log in, and contact Oli or Bron to explain your concerns.